Sunday, May 3, 2009

Show the Love

I have been really bothered lately by the fact that there are so many people that either don't believe there is a God or that hate God or that don't see there is a point in following God. The reason it bothers me is because those beliefs are because we as a body have represented Christ in the wrong way. I was sitting in Church today and heard a very eye opening sermon. It was about the love of God and how if we really understood how much he loved us then we would be going crazy trying to tell everyone about it (there was more to the sermon then that but I really liked this part). As I listened I began to realize how bad of a job we as believers have done in showing who Christ really is. Part of the sermon talked about how people view God as being angry in the Old Testament but in the New Testament Christ comes and He is about love. When people have this mind set they are believing that God changes but his word says he doesn't. I took this view as the way that believers and humans in general mess things up.
We think that we know it all, that we can do what we want and everything is okay because he call ourselves Christians. I feel that that's were we mess up. People on the outside don't see Christ they see just another person. We are called to be like Christ and yet we gossip, backstab, complain and bicker about every little thing that happens... and that just when we are at church. There are many people that don't want to go to church because they feel that Christians are hypocrites. Well, I personally think that just categorizing Christians as hypocrites is kind of hypocritical because pretty much every person is one in their own way. The problem I see is that we as believers have allowed ourselves to have bad stereotypes as well as allowed ourselves to be so critical of how our fellow believers are at church and away that we have forgot to show the love of Christ.
The Challenge is this, can you figure out a new way of showing Christ to others each day? This means that if today you blessed a person you didn't know with lunch, how can you bless a person tomorrow in a different way. I truly believe that if we as believers make an effort then the view of Christ and church and Christians will change. Try it, let me know what you have done. let's make a change in how we live out Christ's love.
I say these things because I was convicted not because I am better or that I have already mastered this. I write this because I think that we can all help each other, as one body, to make Christ's love known. We can all shout from the roof tops together that Christ is greater then words can describe. We can shout that the love we feeling is to big to hold in. I am making a commitment right now to hold everyone accountable, will you please hold me accountable too?

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