This response made me think. How are we telling people who God is? there were a few people that said that God is a hope that people try to have, while another lady said that she had a hard time answering that question because she wasn't sure because she thought that God had a "very sick sense of humor." Another guy said that God didn't exists that the we needed to get that through our heads. Okay so when did it become okay to disrespect God? I know that for centuries people have disrespected God but why are we as believers standing back allowing them to be miss led? Satan must be laughing, he knows that he has corrupted the view of God so bad that the world is rebelling to the point where it will be very difficult to tell them who God really is. I think that we need to step up. I want to try to gather a group of believers together to study up on different views of God. We will work at being a resource for believers who are having a hard time talking with their friends. I think that we could have a website that would be geared toward people who don't think there is a God. The site will be set up so that they wont feel bombarded with Christianeze, the lingo that we as believers know that a non-believer wouldn't fully understand. I think it would be cool to go out as a group and speak to youth groups and college groups and give them resources to be able to talk with their friends and family. We need to step up as a body and change the name of God, make His name Holy again. The challenge: join in with me, let me know that you are in and lets begin to change the world by changing views. God is big and people need to see that and know that he is alive and working today.
Let's Do This!